A big gift for the community

Twelve charitable causes in South Canterbury recently received a wonderful surprise, all thanks to one kind anonymous local donor.

Back in 2017 this donor established two endowment funds with the Aoraki Foundation. The funds were to promote two causes that they was passionate about, health and heritage. Through these funds the donor has already donated in excess of $10,000 to local charities and organisations.

Having had a successful business career and, as a life-long investor the donor keeps a keen eye on the financial markets. They are aware of the uncertainly and volatility that lies ahead, as we navigate our way out of the largest health crisis we have seen in 100 years. It was this uncertainty that led them to the conclusion that charities need as much support as they can get right now. With this in mind, the donor approached the Aoraki Foundation with a plan to fully distribute the two funds to a selection of charities that were close to their heart.

“It is not easy for charities right now. The cost of living has dramatically increased, placing considerable more strain on funding at a time where many of these services are needed most.” - Donor

Appreciating the motivation behind this decision, the Aoraki Foundation were fully supportive of their request and worked with the donor to identify the charities that they would most like to support. In total more than $366,000 was donated to 12 different charities. These charities are either based in South Canterbury, or the funds are to be spent on assets and services which benefit South Canterbury.

Here is the complete list of recipients:


  • Anglican Church Properties - $36,509

  • South Canterbury Museum Trust - $82,147

  • Timaru Civic Trust - $27,382

  • South Canterbury Historical Trust - $27,382

  • Burkes Pass Heritage Trust - $9,127


  • St John South Canterbury - $27,528

  • Hospice South Canterbury - $27,528

  • Cancer Society Canterbury-West Coast - $27,528

  • Idea Services - $27,528

  • Presbyterian Support South Canterbury - $27,528

  • South Canterbury Health Endowment Fund - $27,528

  • Stroke Foundation - $18,352

The task of informing these charities about this generous gift fell to Aoraki Foundation Chief Executive, Richard Spackman. Along with notifying the amount each charity would receive, it is Richard’s responsibility to ensure that all of these funds would be spent locally in South Canterbury. As Richard explains,

“Hearing the recipients’ reaction to these gifts was a genuine privilege - they were so appreciative and grateful. One recipient said I was just like Father Christmas! I really felt that the donor should be making these calls but they are so unassuming. The donor has never wanted this to be about them, but instead they wanted the Foundation and the individual charities to be in the spotlight.”

Sally Jarvie, from St. John said the money would be put toward the local transport service in South Canterbury and is incredibly grateful for the gift. Jane Batchelor, from the Burkes Pass Heritage Trust, was overwhelmed by the donor’s generosity. She said that the trustees intend to use the funds to update the interior of the historic St. Patrick’s Church. Our very own South Canterbury Health Endowment Fund was also the benefactor of a donation which will be distributed in our current grants round.

A gift of this magnitude is an honour to be involved with and we feel so lucky that the donor chose the Aoraki Foundation to support their philanthropic ambitions. On behalf of the Aoraki Foundation, the charities, and the community in general I would like to say, “Thank you, you truly are a wonderful person”.

If you wish to find out more about the Aoraki Foundation or want to start your own philanthropic journey, please contact Richard Spackman on richard@aorakifoundation.org.nz Mob: 021 181 7141


About the Aoraki Foundation

The Aoraki Foundation is South Canterbury’s official community foundation. A community foundation is an infrastructure for giving and philanthropy. Using a smarter giving model, they provide a vehicle for generous donors to make everlasting gifts to their community. The Aoraki Foundation was established in 2009 by Ken McKenzie, Nick Noone, Sid McAuley, Damon Odey and Nigel Davenport. Over the last thirteen years they have grown their endowment funds to more than $3 million dollars, they have funded the community to the tune of $1.4 million, and have supported fundraising efforts for large scale community projects. All of this has been made possible by the generosity of many individual and corporate donors. They are governed by a board of dedicated trustees who volunteer their time and expertise for the benefit of the community.

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