Recipient Story: Cancer Society
The South Canterbury Cancer Society has the privilege to support 85% of South Canterbury’s cancer patients and their whanau. That equates to 175 people/families on a cancer journey. A recent patient that we will call ‘Lisa’ has shared her journey to encourage others, and to remind them that “you got this”.
When first diagnosed, Lisa couldn’t believe it. After being delivered the news by the surgeon, Lisa tried to take it all in and she couldn’t.
“Outside the hospital I kept saying ‘this can’t be, I’m not sick, I’m a carer, I look after people, and I don’t get sick’. My sister burst into tears and held my hand, I felt I couldn’t let go. I had to be strong for her.” - Lisa
With the support of the Cancer Society, Lisa accessed services such as accommodation when she had radiation, counselling, books & resources and attended Look Good Feel Better.
Staying away from home for weeks at a time was “absolutely hellish.” Each day was like groundhog day. Friends visited and took Lisa places. The pain got worse as she started radiation. Lisa couldn’t walk so the Cancer Society put her in a downstairs room.
Monica & Tracey, South Canterbury Cancer Society staff
Lisa says the Cancer Society were incredible. She is so grateful for their support. People who are not involved don’t really know and don’t understand the journey. My husband didn’t speak to me for two days at diagnosis. I thought I’d lost him.
“Some days I was alone, and I would just cry. It was awful. The cleaning staff were so sweet. They would pick me flowers, so lovely. “ - Lisa
The Cancer Society offer each patient a personal Cancer Navigator to help traverse this difficult path. Lisa’s navigator was Monica. “To have someone like Monica as a Cancer Navigator was invaluable. Someone I can just call or text, have a yarn to and come in and see.“ - Lisa
I am so grateful to everyone who was involved in my journey and how blessed I felt. Everyone was awesome.“ - Lisa
The South Canterbury Cancer Society has recently started a coffee group for those impacted by cancer. It is an opportunity for people going through a similar journey to socialise and provide each other with support.
How the Aoraki Foundation helped:
The Aoraki Foundation supported the South Canterbury Cancer Centre with $8,000 worth of grants. This funding supports the salaries of navigators like Monica to help patients through their Cancer journey.