Recipient Story: Chrissy van Hassel

When Chrissy van Hassel first made contact with us in July last year, we were so grateful that thanks to the Cody Hunter Fund, we could help.

Chrissy's daughter Claire has an autoimmune disease that affects her liver, and at just 40 years old has already had two life-saving liver transplants. The most recent transplant late last year, really came down to the wire.

Chrissy explains that after Claire (who was living in Dunedin at the time) started to get infections, she moved back home to Fairlie to be closer to her family. When Claire started showing signs of liver rejection, she was referred to the liver unit in Auckland where they stayed in the transplant house.

Chrissy says, 'Then things started going downhill really fast''.

Claire's body had rejected her first liver transplant, and her health was past the tipping point, she was critical. Claire went into a coma and had to be put on life support. Chrissy says, "It seems Claire only had hours to live when we heard she would be receiving a donor liver - this blessing came in the nick of time.''

Following her second transplant, Chrissy says that Claire was bedridden for three weeks, after the third week, Claire turned a corner, and her recovery went leaps and bounds.

Claire's father, siblings, cousins and wider family had been by her side and supported her and since her recovery they have done so many things and plan on doing so many more.

Chrissy says ''just having her so alive and vibrant and just having our Claire back makes me so happy as a mother''.

Claire says she is looking forward to recovering completely and plans to travel, she says ''It is something I am really looking forward to doing, so I am getting myself mentally and physically better to travel, work and get back into a routine''.

Chrissy's message to others who might be going through a situation like this: ''Keep the faith, you just have to trust, keep hope alive, and try to remain positive. It is not as easy as it sounds, but you need to try''

How the Aoraki Foundation helped:

The Timaru Host Cody Hunter Fund supported Chrissy & Claire with a grant of $5,000 to cover the time Chrissy spent away from her work supporting her daughter.